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June 28, 2022
“The market is the most efficient mechanism anywhere in the world for transferring wealth from impatient people to patient people.” — Warren Buffett Note: This video was originally published in our monthly client e-newsletter, Guidepost. The bond, stock, and real estate markets are still reacting to inflation, recession, and interest rate hike concerns. The market […]
February 28, 2022
Note: This post was adapted from a recent edition of our monthly client e-newsletter, Guidepost. Given the current events in Ukraine, LifeGuide’s Chief Investment Office, Zak Lutz, sits down to share our thoughts and perspective on what we’re seeing with the stock market. First and foremost, we pray for peace, comfort, and protection for all those […]
October 30, 2021
Today, we’re bringing you a Q4 2021 Market Update with LifeGuide Partner and Chief Investment Officer, Zak Lutz. What’s going on in the market? What’s the latest on inflation? Are we heading into a period of increased market volatility? Great questions. Take it away, Zak! Note: this video was originally published in our monthly client newsletter, […]
July 26, 2021
Today, we have LifeGuide Partner and Chief Investment Officer, Zak Lutz, on hand to share some wisdom and insight into what we’re currently seeing with inflation. What should we make of the latest Consumer Price Index increase? Should we be concerned? How do we prepare for inflation? Back in October 2019, I attended the Financial […]
April 26, 2021
Today, we’re sitting down with LifeGuide Partner and Chief Investment Officer, Zak Lutz, to answer some of the most frequently asked questions we receive. This is the final part in our six-part Q&A series. Q: Can the stock market keep going up? Last year, we examined the historical growth of the stock markets over […]
April 26, 2021
Today, we’re sitting down with LifeGuide Partner and Chief Investment Officer, Zak Lutz, to answer some of the most frequently asked questions we receive. This is the fifth part in our six-part Q&A series. Q: Why is the stock market so high? A: To begin unpacking this question, it’s helpful to acknowledge the fear often living […]
March 30, 2021
Today, we’re sitting down with LifeGuide Partner and Chief Investment Officer, Zak Lutz, to answer some of the most frequently asked questions we receive. This is the first part in our six-part Q&A series. Q: What’s the outlook for real estate given the COVID-19 pandemic? A: When you think about real estate right now, you’re probably […]
October 2, 2020
Today, let’s talk about market drops and how we can position ourselves to respond during periods of market volatility and stress. We do not know (nor does anyone know!) when the next drop will come, how long it will last, or how severe it may be. However, just like the proverbial “death and taxes,” we […]