
About Us

Helping families achieve financial peace, freedom, and eternal impact

At LifeGuide, we believe our job is more than maximizing your net worth by the end of your life—it’s about inspiring and equipping you to live your most faithful and fulfilled life.

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“Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. By doing this, they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life.”

– 1 Timothy 6:17-19 (NLT)

LifeGuide at a glance

We are a fee-only, fiduciary advisor.

Our advice is rooted in biblical principles.

We serve more than 700 families.

We manage over $400 million in assets.

We provide in-depthteam-based service.

*Assets statistics as of 8/6/2024

Meet the Team
About Us

Why LifeGuide?

Independent & Fee-Only

We are proud to operate as an independent, fee-only, fiduciary advisor. This means:

  • Our only source of income is the fees we charge for our services (no commissions or kickbacks ever).
  • We don’t have any proprietary products we’re required or incented to sell.
  • We act in your best interest, period.
  • We are transparent about the costs of our services so you know exactly what you’re paying for.
Our Fees ▸

Why LifeGuide?

Independent & Fee-Only

We are proud to operate as an independent, fee-only, fiduciary advisor. This means:

  • Our only source of income is the fees we charge for our services (no commissions or kickbacks ever).
  • We don’t have any proprietary products we’re required or incented to sell.
  • We act in your best interest, period.
  • We are transparent about the costs of our services so you know exactly what you’re paying for.
Our Fees ▸
About Us

Why LifeGuide?

Faith-Focused & Missional

Our Christian faith is a foundational part of our culture and mission. As a firm, we:

  • Are passionate about making an impact—rather than just making a profit—on our clients, team members, and community
  • Root our advice in biblical principles such as generosity, stewardship, and contentment
  • Help our clients foster an eternal perspective with their finances and leverage their money as a tool for good
  • Provide a variety of values-based and biblically responsible investing options
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About Us
About Us

Why LifeGuide?

Collaborative & Team-Based

We’ve designed our team-based advisory model to overcome the limitations of the traditional “solo advisor” approach. Your team:

  • Includes CFP®, RLP®, and CKA® professionals, and is led by a partner of the firm
  • Collaboratively leverages their knowledge, skillset, and experience to provide broad perspective
  • Will be there when you need them, even if an advisor is with another client or away from the office
  • Is multi-generational and will continue walking with you and your family over the long term
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Why LifeGuide?

Collaborative & Team-Based

We’ve designed our team-based advisory model to overcome the limitations of the traditional “solo advisor” approach. Your team:

  • Includes CFP®, RLP®, and CKA® professionals, and is led by a partner of the firm
  • Collaboratively leverages their knowledge, skillset, and experience to provide broad perspective
  • Will be there when you need them, even if an advisor is with another client or away from the office
  • Is multi-generational and will continue walking with you and your family over the long term
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Focused on impact, not just profits

Each month, we contribute a percentage of our proceeds to the LifeGuide Impact Fund. Since its inception in 2014, we’ve donated more than $800,000 through the LifeGuide Impact Fund to organizations meeting real needs in their communities. This means, as a client of LifeGuide, you’re making a difference in more lives than you know.

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About Us

Our Values

  • We are stewards, not owners.
  • We focus on impact, not just profits.
  • We believe that team success is more important than individual recognition.
  • We bring our best to everything.
  • We believe that long-term relationships are more important than short-term objectives.
  • We do what we say and build trust by honoring commitments.
  • We operate out of an abundance mentality and encourage, share, and celebrate with others.
  • We are stewards, not owners.
  • We focus on impact, not just profits.
  • We believe that team success is more important than individual recognition.
  • We bring our best to everything.
  • We believe that long-term relationships are more important than short-term objectives.
  • We do what we say and build trust by honoring commitments.
  • We operate out of an abundance mentality and encourage, share, and celebrate with others.
About Us

LifeGuide & Kingdom Advisors

Kingdom Advisors is an organization dedicated to equipping Christian advisors with biblically-based wisdom and planning processes. We’ve embedded many aspects of KA’s biblical framework into our own Financial Life Planning. Many members of our team carry the Certified Kingdom Advisor® (CKA®) designation.

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About Us
About Us

LifeGuide & Ramsey Solutions

We have been long-time fans of Ramsey’s financial principles and Financial Peace University. We integrate Ramsey’s principles into our advice and embrace their “heart of a teacher” style of financial consulting.

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LifeGuide & Ramsey Solutions

We have been long-time fans of Ramsey’s financial principles and Financial Peace University. We integrate Ramsey’s principles into our advice and embrace their “heart of a teacher” style of financial consulting.

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Frequently Asked Questions:
About Us

What makes LifeGuide unique?

What we do:

We help followers of Jesus align their finances with their faith to experience lasting peace, realize true freedom, and make an eternal impact. Our cultural DNA is rooted in helping those with complex financial needs get the depth of planning, technical expertise, and hands-on implementation they need.

How we do it:

We provide comprehensive Financial Life Planning, Investment Management, and Survivor Assistance services—all rooted in the teachings of Jesus. We believe that, for us, following Jesus requires us to be excellent at what we do. After all, how well we help our clients manage what God has entrusted to them is a direct reflection of our faith.

Why we do what we do:

We believe everything is God’s, everyone is created in His image, and we are all called to play a part in His grand story. As a result, we care deeply about relationships and focus on maximizing our eternal impact—not just making a profit. We strive to treat everyone who crosses our path with the kindness, respect, and integrity they deserve.

What is "fee-only" and why does it matter?

LifeGuide Financial Advisors is a fee-only, fiduciary advisor. Being fee-only provides the most transparent and objective compensation model for our client relationships.

Financial advisors are compensated in three main ways:

  • Through a commission-based model
  • Through a commission & fee model
  • Through a fee-only model

Both commission-based and commission & fee advisors receive some compensation from the products they recommend. Because conflict of interest is inherent in commission transactions, these advisors may have difficulty putting your interest above their own.

On the other hand, fee-only financial advisors are only compensated by their clients. They do not receive any commissions or other compensation from the products they recommend. This minimizes conflicts and clears the way for advisors to always act in your best interest (as a fiduciary).

Because LifeGuide is a fee-only advisor, you can rest assured your team is singularly focused on what’s best for you and your family.

Learn more about NAPFA fee-only standards »

How does your Christian worldview impact the advice you give?

Our faith is an important part of our culture and business. We root our advice in the teachings of Jesus and believe a life well lived is one filled with generosity, contentment, and an eternal perspective. Yet we recognize that we’re all at unique points on our spiritual journeys and make space for our clients. We will bring as much or as little faith perspective as you’re comfortable with.

What does it mean that your advice is rooted in biblical principles? Are you going to guilt me into giving my money away?

We don’t do guilt. We inspire.

It’s so easy to get distracted by the temporal pull of the culture we live in that we can lose sight of what is truly most important. If we aren’t careful, our money (and our hearts) can follow us down the unfulfilling roads of “more!”that pervasive and never-ending desire to keep up with the Joneses. (Who, by the way, are probably trying to keep up with us!)

We take a counter-cultural approach based on Jesus’ highly practical financial teachings, and He had a lot to say!

It’s our goal to inspire you to grow in your relationship with money and to live an abundant and generous life.

We clearly recognize that finances are highly personal, and everyone is on their own journey. Your team will meet you where you are and help you take the next step that is right for you.

How does your advisory team structure work? Who do I call? Will I have a dedicated advisor?

In contrast to the traditional solo advisor model, we have built our firm around a team-based advisory approach. We assign every comprehensive service client to a dedicated advisory team. You may contact anyone on your team with any questions!

With a robust support system in place, you can trust that someone who knows you and your plan will be available—regardless of whether one member of your team is away on vacation, requiring medical or parental leave, or even retiring. By taking a team-based approach, you’re able to receive the best possible service from us, and our advisors are able to enjoy fulfilling, long-term careers—minimizing advisor/client transitions.  

Learn more about our team-based approach »

I'm not a Christian. Can I still become a LifeGuide client?

Absolutely. We seek to serve everyone with kindness, respect, and honesty. We have clients from a variety of faith traditions, including those who do not view faith as an important part of their life. While we operate from a Christian worldview, we realize that everyone is at a unique place on their journey. We meet you where you are to help you live intentionally, generously, and impactfully.

Helping families achieve financial peace, freedom, and eternal impact

At LifeGuide, we want our clients to live their most impactful, fulfilled lives—the lives they’re called to live! We see money not as the end goal in itself, but as a tool to meet needs and turn goals into reality. For every client who comes through our doors, we desire to take the stress, complexity, and fear out of financial management.

LifeGuide Financial Advisors has been a literal financial lifesaver for my family. Prior to working with LifeGuide we were focused on the usual investments and doing OK, but we didn't have a plan for our big life events, our children's education, or our retirement. With LifeGuide, we talked about the future, put a plan together, and are exceeding our goals. They work perfectly with our demanding lives, and have truly considered our values when formulating an investment plan. We actually look forward to our account reviews because the team is great to work with. Can't imagine a better financial partner.— JulieAs posted in Julie's Google Review

The presented testimonial is from a current LifeGuide Financial Advisors client and was obtained via a third-party website. LifeGuide Financial Advisors reached out to a random sample of clients requesting voluntary feedback. Clients were not provided any compensation with respect to said testimonials. The testimonial provided is for informational purposes only and is not representative of all client experiences, which may differ substantially. Click here to view all the testimonials received by LifeGuide Financial Advisors on Google My Business.

Align your faith and finances

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