
A Look Back at 2019

January 13, 2020   |   Impact

Over the last year, we’ve repeated the message, “Managing your finances shouldn’t be time consuming or stressful; it should be deeply fulfilling.” Why? Because we’ve seen firsthand the peace, freedom, and impact many of you have been able to achieve by aligning your finances around what matters most! As you’ve stepped away from a scarcity mindset (“Do I have enough?”) into an abundance mindset (“Everything I have is a gift”), your finances have helped foster a spirit of gratitude, generosity, contentment, and fulfillment like the Apostle Paul illustrates in 2 Corinthians:

“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”
– 2 Corinthians 9:6-8  (ESV)

As we enter the new year, we wanted to take a few minutes to share some news, updates, and reflections on this past year.

Highlights from the past year

We are passionate about making a positive impact in our world, constantly striving to make a difference in the lives of our clients, employees, and those in our community. Here are few highlights (in no particular order) from an exciting 2019:

Our family continues to grow.

So far this year, we have welcomed 64 new client families, bringing the total number of individuals, businesses, and organizations we serve to more than 1,300! We are incredibly thankful for each of you, and take seriously the trust you place in us.

We’re continuing to grow and expand our digital presence.

We’ve recently updated our website to feature increased performance and refined user experience on both desktop and mobile. We’ve also rolled out a new app powered by Black Diamond that allows you to more easily get in touch with us, monitor your account performance, and view your TD account statements. The app is available for download on iOS as well as Android.

Visit the Black Diamond page on our website’s client portal to learn more. If you don’t already have login credentials, contact your advisor for your account access.

We are deepening our partnership with Messiah College.

To stay ahead of our growth and continue providing you with in-depth personal service, we continue our ongoing search to bring top talent on board. One of the ways we are doing this is by expanding our internship program with Messiah College. We’ve also been invited to join Messiah’s Business Advisory Council and regularly speak to the college’s Investment Club. For Messiah’s top finance students interested in a comprehensive financial planning career, we are committed to being the premier employer and internship program in Central Pennsylvania.

We are enhancing our Life Planning process.
To deepen the value we provide to both current and future clients, we will be enhancing our Life Planning process. The new process will help you better align your finances around your most fulfilling life—the life you are called to live! So next time you’re in, be sure to ask us about the “three questions.” They might just change your life!

We held two Journey of Generosity (“JOG”) retreats.

These two-day retreats bring together a small group of LifeGuide clients—about 10-14 people—for a conversation about living a generous and deeply fulfilling life. Feedback from these events has been tremendous, and we are planning to continue offering these twice a year to our clients.

We completed renovations to our Mechanicsburg office.

It was no small task, but we successfully completed renovations to our Mechanicsburg office. To support our growth and enhance your in-office experience, we added a conference room, purchased ergonomic furniture, refreshed the decor, and updated all presentation screens. The team even gave up a few Saturdays to help paint the entire office!

LifeGuide team updates

Abby Conway, LifeGuide’s Insurance Advisor, came to us earlier this year to share her decision to pursue her life-long dream of becoming a nurse. Doors continued to open, culminating in her acceptance into a nursing program beginning January 2020. While we will miss Abby, we are incredibly excited for all she’ll do in her next big adventure! Learn more

Scott McFadden, LifeGuide’s new Brand Evangelist, joined the team to manage our website, enhance communications, and expand our online presence. Some of you who attend The Meeting House may recognize Scott, as he also leads worship at TMH’s Carlisle campus on Sundays.
Read more about Scott

Jennifer Everett recently joined the LifeGuide team as an Insurance Specialist. Jen has been in financial services for a number of years, and has been working closely alongside Abby over the last month to learn the ropes, meet clients, and transition responsibilities.
Read more about Jen

Levi Greenly joined our team as a Service Advisor. Levi originally came on board as a Messiah College intern in the fall, and we’re excited to transition him to a full-time role after he graduates in June of 2020.

Doug and Zak will continue to focus on leading the LifeGuide business as well as the initial Discovery and Vision stages of our Life Planning process. Derek Mosley and Matt Hess—both of whom have earned the CFP® designation—will continue expanding their roles in leading the financial planning and ongoing coaching phases of client relationships. We firmly believe you are best served by a team of advisors who take the time to both understand you and focus on your success!

Charles Schwab acquires TD Ameritrade.

As you may have heard in the news, Charles Schwab will be acquiring TD Ameritrade. The combined company will retain the Schwab name, and the acquisition is expected to become official in the second half of 2020. During that time, the change should have little to no impact on you. We’ll keep you informed as the acquisition progresses. In the meantime, you can learn more at amtd.com.

You are making a difference through the LifeGuide Impact Fund!

Each month, we contribute a portion of LifeGuide’s proceeds to the LifeGuide Impact Fund. So far this year, we have distributed more than $173,000 to 113 charities. It’s because of you that we’re able to support so many wonderful organizations! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

As we enter the new year—the new decade!—we pray that you’ll have the opportunity to pause and focus on what’s most important. We are grateful for the distinct privilege of walking with you on your journey. Don’t ever hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns, questions, or if we can be of help in any way.

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