

Better Decision Making, Part 2: How to define what matters most

October 5, 2021

Today, we’re bringing you the second and final part in our Better Decision Making mini-series. You can check out Part One here: The three questions to ask yourself when making a decision. In part one, Zak shared three key questions to ask yourself when making any decision: Do I have enough information? What story do I want to […]

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Better Decision Making, Part 1: The three questions to ask yourself when making a decision

September 21, 2021

The topic of decision making really gets me going. I get excited about processing things down, whittling away to get down to the best decision possible in any circumstance. I think it’s the engineer in me. Good decision making is really at the heart of the work we do at LifeGuide. At the end of the day, our […]

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Six financial spring cleaning projects to tackle on a rainy day

April 8, 2020

Establishing a routine and having a project (or projects) to make progress on and check off the list can be helpful, motivating, and even therapeutic. For families, working together on projects that may have fallen to the back burner can create teachable moments, helpful conversation, and a shared sense of accomplishment. So, for those days […]

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Addressing the coronavirus and market volatility

March 5, 2020

Note: this post has been adapted from an email sent to a portion of our clients in early March 2020. Please review the disclaimers at the bottom of this post carefully. We know that recent news about current market volatility and spreading coronavirus may be currently adding a bit of stress to your life. We’d […]

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What’s your mindset? Abundance vs. Scarcity Thinking

July 11, 2018

Life is a collection of millions of choices that we make daily. While these choices vary in magnitude, they can often be traced back to a source. One source that plays a significant role in the choices that we make is our mindset. A mindset has many different facets, but one of the main components […]

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Break Your New Year’s Resolution Already? No Worries.

January 23, 2018

If your resolution hasn’t lasted, you are not alone.   According to U.S. News, approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February. As an alternative to resolutions, a practice that my wife, Geralyn, and I have found helpful is to talk about our vision and priorities for the upcoming year.   We used to […]

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