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Updates on COVID-19 and navigating the statewide shutdown

March 17, 2020   |   COVID-19

In light of Governor Wolf’s statewide shutdown order, the ever-developing news surrounding COVID-19, and continued market volatility, we wanted to take a moment to fill you in on what we’ve been doing here and what you can expect moving forward.

  1. We have verified that our computer and phone systems allow us the ability to effectively continue all business operations remotely. We’ve also made additional technology investments to ensure that our team can continue easily communicating with you (and other team members) from their homes.
  2. We have increased the frequency that we review our portfolios for rebalancing opportunities. We are reviewing our weekly scheduled portfolios on a daily basis and our daily scheduled portfolios twice daily.
  3. We have opened up an additional trading window each afternoon to provide us with additional trading opportunities and flexibility.
  4. Since the end of February, we have not been selling stock positions to raise cash.
  5. We are postponing new client introductory meetings, providing us the time to focus all efforts on taking care of you, our current clients. 
  6. We have been reviewing individual client situations to identify specific portfolio changes in the context of your LifePlan and current market conditions. If we have not been in touch already, we will reach out to you if we identify any opportunities for you.
  7. We have implemented the CDC workplace guidelines to protect our clients and employees. Specifically:
    • In accordance with the statewide shutdown, we will be closing our physical offices beginning March 17th.
    • We have the ability to conduct virtual client meetings via video conferencing or phone calls. If you currently have an appointment scheduled at one of our offices, we will be contacting you with the necessary details for a virtual meeting.

In case you missed it, we posted a blog article last week titled “Addressing the coronavirus and market volatility“. In it, we provided context to what we’re currently seeing with the market and explained what we believe our response should be in times like this. We included a lot of helpful information and links from sources we trust. Read now »

As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you have. We’re here to help you navigate these times! May you continue to choose faith over fear and prudence over panic.

Stay healthy and keep washing those hands! We will get through this together.

— Doug & Zak
LifeGuide Partners

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