
LifeGuide Impact Moment: New Life Community

June 29, 2021   |   Impact

At LifeGuide, we’re all about impact. In fact, each month, we contribute a percentage of our proceeds to the LifeGuide Impact Fund. We then use these funds to come alongside and support some incredible organizations doing truly life-changing work.

Since 2014, we’ve been able to donate over $500,000 to hundreds of organizations.

Today, we want to highlight one of these organizations: New Life Community.

Located in downtown Carlisle, Ryan Brown and his team serve people and step into situations that many organizations either can’t or aren’t willing to—from helping single parents struggling to keep their heads above water to serving those who have lost everything through addiction.

We share this story today because this isn’t just New Life’s story of impact—as a LifeGuide client, this is also YOUR story of impact. This is the difference YOU are helping to make. 

Learn more about New Life Community »

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